BBO Crystal
BBO Crystal
BBO (beta-BaB2O4) is an excellent non-linear crystal for frequency-doubling (SHG) of Visible and Near IR laser light, OPO/OPG/OPA pumped by ultrafast pulses of wavelengths in the Near IR to UV, and sum-frequency mixing (SFM) into the Visible to the deep UV. BBO is one of the few practical crystal for use below 500 nm in SHG and SFM. BBO is very good for tunable laser sources, such as ultrafast Ti:Sapphire or dye lasers. And it is also widely used for SHG, 3HG, 4HG, and autocorrelation of femtosecond and picosecond Ti:Sapphire lasers; SHG, 3HG, 4HG, 5HG of YAG lasers at 1064 nm and 1320 nm to yield output of 212-660nm; SHG of tunable dye or solid-state laser sources from 410-750 nm to yield output of 205-375 nm,
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